Reshape Your Value Proposition to Fit Your Prospect’s Needs and Keep Your Customers Happy

Logistics marketing is often too focused on what a company is selling. The truth is that customers don’t really care about what you’re selling — at least initially. Prospects care about fixing their own problems and reaching their own goals.

This means marketing needs to talk about what’s meaningful to customers more and leave out less about the features of their product or solution (we’re looking at you logtech companies.) For any company selling a logistics solution, you need to start with an understanding of where your prospects are at in the buying process.

For example, your marketing needs to connect with the people you want to convert into customers, so the logistics content you produce should be specifically targeted. There are a lot of different stages that a prospect could be in, so it’s important to evaluate whether or not they comprehend their problem or if they’re even looking for a solution.

Your end goal is to ultimately get your audience to see that you have a solution for them without simply launching into bullet point advertisements. Here are some ideas on how to reshape your value proposition to better fit your prospect’s needs and convince your customers that you can continue to meet those needs in an authentic, non-salesy way.

What Your Prospects Need

Many customers may be not be ready to be sold to yet. Instead of trying to explain to them what you’re selling, you still need to demonstrate your value and communicate what they’re missing. Once you realign your marketing to showcase how your expertise addresses what they need, then they’ll be more likely to reach out later.

Other customers may need to see how you compare to your competition. Prospects with this need should be reassured that you really know their business. Marketing is about more than just telling people they can save money. You should help potential customers see the long-term benefits of what you can offer in addition to subtly establishing how your company’s solution is special.

Inspiring action requires urgency, so your marketing also needs to tell people why it’s worth their time to talk more with you. Prospects who are still on the fence are unsure how you especially can provide a solution for them. Some may even get what you can provide but need the reassurance that it’s worth the cost and possible disruption. Marketers can help close the deal by emphasizing why prospects are making a mistake by not moving forward in the process.

What Your Customers Need

Your job isn’t done once you’ve landed a customer. In order to keep customers happy, marketers need to continue to show the value of their company’s service and prevent customers from even considering their competitors. You can better educate people with consistent updates that reinforce to the customer the idea that they made the right decision.

Your marketing can even extend to getting current customers to invest in other services your company has to offer. Demonstrating to them why they should trust you for other solutions helps maximize the benefits of the relationship while also allowing for more revenue growth.

Prospects and customers don’t want to be marketed to with undisguised selling points. They want content that speaks to their needs, which are based on where they’re at in the buying journey. Don’t let your marketing fall victim to flat features.

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